Episode 252 - The Abolition Suite Vol. 1: #DefundCPD with Asha Ransby-Sporn

AirGo introduces The Abolition Suite, a month of episodes focusing on police and prison abolition, with this episode featuring AirGo fave Asha Ransby-Sporn. Asha and the guys talk about the upcoming Defund CPD Mass Resistance Trainings over Fourth of July weekend, and go through the 11 demands of the Black Abolitionist Network and the DefundCPD campaign.

NOTE: The 7/4 and 7/5 trainings are for Black people only. White and non-Black POC folks can sign up for the 7/3 training.

Sign up HERE: actionnetwork.org/events/defund-cp…stance-trainings

Can't make the training? Sign on to demand the defunding of CPD HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-on-to-demand-defunding-of-the-chicago-police-department

This series of trainings is hosted by the Black Abolitionist Network as apart of the campaign to Defund CPD. Feel free to contact BAN at blackabolitionistnetwork@gmail.com with any accessibility needs or other concerns.